The Portland Daily Blink
The Portland Daily Blink Podcast
Oregon Capital Chronicle: "Oregon woman endures fear and despair in illegal imprisonment in Coffee Creek prison."

Oregon Capital Chronicle: "Oregon woman endures fear and despair in illegal imprisonment in Coffee Creek prison."

"Terri Lee Brown was released from Coffee Creek Correctional Facility after the Oregon Supreme Court found Gov. TINA KOTEK'S order that sent her back to prison was unlawful. Ben Botkin, May 16, 2024."

Terri Lee Brown, with two of her young daughters.

Terri Lee Brown, low income, with five children and grandchildren to care for, convicted of “mail fraud” a nonviolent crime, was no one special to Tina Kotek. Brown was just a number, not a real person. She was a nonperson, who did not matter, particularly not to someone like Tina Kotek, who routinely and casually abuses her power.

Tina Kotek is careless and does not commit to the due diligence to actually get at the details in a case like what happened to Terri Lee Brown.

Brown said: “I am a strong person and I’m going to be OK,” Brown said. “But what if this had happened to somebody who didn’t have the resources and love and the backing that I do? Where would that put them? Who would be there to help them?”

More people should know about this story. This illustrates how careless and incompetent Tina Kotek really is. Lets make sure Tina Kotek is a one hit wonder and does not end up Governor of Oregon for a second time. Oregon can do better than an opportunistic liar who thinks she is above the law.

~Theresa Griffin Kennedy

The Portland Daily Blink
The Portland Daily Blink Podcast
I provide commentary on local Portland politics, the dubious Portland Art, the snobs of the Portland "Literary" scene, and the good folks of the Portland poetry scene. I also write creative nonfiction, historical profiles, along with Gonzo journalism.