The Portland Daily Blink
The Portland Daily Blink Podcast
There is a CRISIS with American Teaching!

There is a CRISIS with American Teaching!

With more younger teachers coming on, lacking a good educational foundation, or any form of innate character, students are being harmed. Public school is becoming dangerous for American children.

What is going on with the American educational system? The Dumbing Down of America is a reality that has been going on for over 35 years now, as warned by scientist Carl Sagan, but is there anything parents can do about it?

We are now at a crisis where actual education takes a back seat to extremist ideology, and teacher misconduct. What can you do to protect your children? Maybe consider taking them out of public school altogether, and look into The Calvert School… which is a correspondence school established in 1899 for “sick and traveling children.”

1.) Another young teacher, Rasheda Rose, demonstrates no common sense or understanding of the law when she encourages two 11-year-old sixth graders to kiss, so she can critique their technique. She has lost her license to teach and narrowly avoided prison.

2.) Teachers behaving badly involves theft, sexual contact and even giving alcohol to minors. One thing that all these scenarios have in common is that parents are NEVER notified, or warned about dangerous teachers conduct or crimes and have no way to know what is happening with or to their children.

3.) Pamela Smart and her contribution to the debasement of the popular culture view on teachers occurred when she arranged the murder of her young husband in 1990. The Smart case was a factor in changing the perception of teachers as being generally overweight middle-aged women, wearing their hair in a bun, and preparing Sunday Dinner for extended family. Though I can’t find a serious article about this aspect of the Pamela Smart issue, I think it is a valid dynamic and will be followed by Mary Kay Letourneau.

Pamela Smart in a photo taken by her teen lover shortly before he murdered her husband in 1990.
The notorious Pamela Smart hasn’t changed much over the decades. She has been accused of getting into consistent trouble with inmates and guards, having affairs with both men and women in the prison where she is incarcerated and serving a life sentence.

4.) Mary Kay Letourneau also contributed a huge chunk to changing the myth of the American teacher in 1996 with her involvement in the statutory rape of a 12-year-old boy when she was 34 and the married mother of four children. Their union would be romanticized by France and made into a love story, rather than the bizarre crime that it was. She would go onto give birth to two of Vili Fualaau’s children and marry him.

5.) Two women teachers assault a six-year-old. Whatever one’s views are on corporal punishment, which is illegal in most states, what you see here is inappropriate and illegal. Corporal punishment is not one of the more egregious things bad teachers do, though.

6.) Why Woke LGBTQ Teachers are being fired. There is a growing trend that is actually a positive move toward protecting the innocence of children and focusing on education, rather than the sexual preoccupation of questionable teachers. Trying to indoctrinate five-year-old children in kindergarten about sexual topics that they cannot possibly comprehend (which have a political foundation) is not appropriate for small children who are not even literate yet.

7.) Why are grammar school teachers teaching small children about graphic sex? There are sexually graphic picture books, like “My Growing Body: A Guide for Children Ages 4 to 8,” which show children ages 4-8 about oral and anal sex. How is this appropriate? Should a child who is barely out of their toddler years, and is learning how to write their names, and count from 1 to 10, be bombarded with the infinitely confusing topic of “gender identity” when they do not possess the intellectual complexity to comprehend what a “gender” is?

8.) The Transgender movement is often populated by Groomers who target children, preteens and teens, who are all minors. Jeffrey Marsh is one of the most vocal - a cross dressing man with whiskers, who wears women’s clothing, high heels and lipstick and believes that magically transforms him into a woman. Though he also claims he is “nonbinary” as in neither male or female while remaining a biological male with a penis and testicles Most disturbing about Marsh is the way he targets children and young adults, encouraging them to go “no contact” with their parents. This is classical “groomer” behavior.

Jeffrey Marsh talks with adult teens online, charging them of course, while explaining how and why the should cut off their parents. This is a route response of his to cut off all ties to parents and comes with no knowledge of the teens individual backgrounds. He often starts his videos off by saying, “I want to talk to the KIDS!”

9.) Should adults who are preoccupied with their own sexual identity and the political aspects of the transgender movement be allowed to burden small children with sexual topics in school? When the purpose of education is to produce a well-rounded student capable of critical thinking skills, and introducing political movements has not been a part of a grammar school or high school education, why is it now being pushed? What is the dynamic at work that has transformed the American classroom?

When considering all of these dynamics, it becomes clear what children are up against in the American educational system. But what do parents and students face in Portland, Oregon? What are they up against, HERE?

1.) Portland schools’ new ‘equitable’ grading will fail kids who need help

2.) Oregon ranks last on student math and reading progress in a study of 30 states

3.) Damning report shows Portland Public schools disregard of sexual misconduct

4.) 11-year-old girls family files 9 million dollar suit against PPS for unreported rape

I have a few theories on how we came to this point, in American culture, both in terms of our failing education system and the recent obsession with sexual identity as relates to the transgender movement. My theory goes back some thirty years.

Listen to the podcast link above to hear what I think.

~Theresa Griffin Kennedy

The Portland Daily Blink
The Portland Daily Blink Podcast
I provide commentary on local Portland politics, the dubious Portland Art, the snobs of the Portland "Literary" scene, and the good folks of the Portland poetry scene. I also write creative nonfiction, historical profiles, along with Gonzo journalism.