The Portland Daily Blink
The Portland Daily Blink Podcast
Shared short article: "Who Will Be the One?" By Don DuPay

Shared short article: "Who Will Be the One?" By Don DuPay

Portland Fentanyl addicts flesh is rotting!
The flesh rotting capability of fentanyl tainted with “Tranq” defies any age, young, old, all are vulnerable. What happens when this happens to your child?

ELI ARNOLD EXPOSES THE TRUTH! Click on the link above…

“Who will be the one? Who will be the one who says, “This is not sustainable?!”

Who will be the one who says, “We can no longer allow the mentally ill to die on the streets!” Who will be the one who says, “We can no longer allow the mentally ill to refuse medical treatment and watch their body parts rot away and fall off on Portland sidewalks!”

Pledge your support to Don DuPay!

Who will be the one with the commonsense and financial means to say, “We must build an asylum/hospital to protect them.” Who will be the one to say, “Our citizens don’t deserve to feel like they are living in a public mental institution!”

For the first time this June, the Rose Festival Parade did NOT go through the downtown area. The Rose Festival Parade began over one hundred years ago, January first, 1890. This year, 2024, the parade was censored for the first time in its long history.

And we all know why, because we are ashamed of how our downtown looks, and we know how dangerous it has become. We are ashamed of what our city has evolved into.

We are ashamed of Portland.

I visualize a Dream Team of a dedicated medical professionals and other wealthy citizens collaborating, saying: “We will be the ones!”

Just visualize Dr. John Kitzhaber, Phil Knight and Jordan Schnitzer combining their resources, intelligence and innovation for the betterment of our city. Sure, medical research is necessary. Sure, new sports arenas are necessary, and we thank you! But crazy people with rotting body parts are a nightmare on our streets that is happening right now. And that needs to change!

Build an asylum and build it NOW.

The need is now and way past now! If nothing happens will Portland continue its downward spiral to become our very own third world country?

Will Portland become Calcutta on the Willamette?

Who will be the one?!

By Don DuPay”

Kevin Dahlgren…

1.) When addicts cannot advocate for themselves…

2.) The serial rapist known as The Viper…

3.) The flesh eating drug Xylazine…

The Portland Daily Blink
The Portland Daily Blink Podcast
I provide commentary on local Portland politics, the dubious Portland Art, the snobs of the Portland "Literary" scene, and the good folks of the Portland poetry scene. I also write creative nonfiction, historical profiles, along with Gonzo journalism.