Sep 16Liked by Theresa Griffin Kennedy

Thanks for keeping up with Sam Adams. I’m so worried we’re going to get Singleton and we will never get a change.

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She’s got a great history as a social worker. Honestly I have never heard of her, & have only recently done some research on her. I’m sure she’s a great gal, but we need a politician and not social workers. I definitely support Sam!

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Sep 17Liked by Theresa Griffin Kennedy

I'm going to disagree with this: "She’s got a great history as a social worker"

As Executive Director of the SAFE Shelter, JOIN, and a leader of Oregon’s Racial Justice Council Singleton is a cog in the local Homeless Industrial Complex. People like this have enabled homelessness, wasted our tax dollars and generally made Portland a place to leave instead of a place to come.

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I kind of meant that tongue in cheek. LOL…

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Theresa Griffin Kennedy

Take a look at the new ED of JOIN Katrina Holland (Singleton's old gig). OMG. Making $140,000 + year for her "work" in 2021. Probably a LOT more now. This is just one example of the multitude of taxpayer funded nonprofits driving taxpayers OUT of Portland.


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Sep 18Liked by Theresa Griffin Kennedy

Katrina Holland was one of the ringleaders in Reimagine Oregon, a black reparations boondoggle from the Brown Administration. I had a brief exchange with her on Twitter once over the huge amounts of tax revenue that end up in various pockets. Holland sought to educate me with a new buzzword: whitelash.

According to Holland: “What’s whitelash you ask? It’s a series of events that take place after any kind of minimal or impressive progress made toward righting wrongs related to anti-Blackness or other BIPOC related justice movement. If you look back in history it’s littered with instances of whitelash. … after slavery became illegal, after laws addressed Jim Crow era injustices, after civil rights movements, after large protests.”

Her point was that the city council routinely blows hundreds of millions of dollars, but it becomes hyper-focused when two BIPOC-specific programs get in on the action.

I suggested that if she needed a new buzzword to advance the conversation, how about “blacklash — when black racists don’t get what they want.”

It reminds me of that old saying, "Waste not, want not." One of these days folks of all skin colors are going to be seriously hurting. Where did the prosperity go?

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Author

Reparations. Right. And when does it end? How bout reparations for us Irish? Enslaved by the English for centuries and then left to starve to death all across Ireland, 1.6 million…during the Great Hunger, 1845-1848 or the Armenians in the 1915 genocide? How bout reparations for them? Or Rwanda? Or how about reparations for all the Native Americans who are steadily going extinct? When does it end?

Hateful Afrocentric black people exist and they can be as tedious as any red neck from the Deep South. The reality is reparations is not doable. Thats what they don’t want to hear though. Sadly, that’s the truth. Economically it’s just not feasible…

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Theresa Griffin Kennedy

And in Portland what about reparations for the Jewish neighborhoods that were razed for redevelopment in the 1960’s? Shouldn’t we restore those neighborhoods and repopulate them with the Jews and Italians that were forced out?


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Sep 17Liked by Theresa Griffin Kennedy

Oh and here is some more info on one of Singleton's other "nonprofits". They're all a mess:


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Wow. She really is a fraud. Thanks!

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