The Portland Daily Blink
The Portland Daily Blink Podcast
Marshall Runkel is running for Portland Mayor. What are his real motives?

Marshall Runkel is running for Portland Mayor. What are his real motives?

Is he trying to clean up his name, after working as Campaign manager & chief of staff for Chloe Eudaly, a woman with documented ties to white supremacists, or does he want to "give back" to Portland?
In his past, Marshal Runkel was asked to leave high profile, support jobs where he was quietly terminated more than once due to dishonesty and manipulative behavior. Currently, he has the visual appeal of a confused, homeless, surfer dude, pushing 60, in need of a haircut and a fresher wardrobe, one that was not purchased, for example, at the local Goodwill bin. Portland CAN do better.
  • This page and podcast serve as a friendly reminder how sneaky some people can be, when they want to slide back into the generous world of Portland politics, in an effort to enjoy the many benefits of those big fat monthly paychecks. There are several links included on this page which you can read and learn from, if you wish.

(PORTLAND, OR) July 3, 2024.

Here we go again, with the next comical collection of local misfits, posing as mayoral candidates, including one who is a bleached blonde, 49-year-old, single-mom-stripper who goes by the name of Viva Las Vegas. There is also a homeless man who has lived in a shed for over a decade, and claims to be a “self-taught” attorney trying to convince us that he should be the mayor of Portland.

And then of course there is ultra liberal Carmen Rubio, who worries more about gas leaf blowers devastating the environment than the tragic human carnival show - those well publicized addicts shooting up and smoking Fentanyl every single day on Portland’s unsanitary city streets.

A known portion of homeless addicts also operate what are called “rape pits” under overpasses, with carved out earthen interiors, where many of the out-of-state rapist/sexual offenders take their drugged up, kidnapped girls to be gang banged and trafficked for drugs and money. The city and the police have done nothing to deter these “rape pits.”

These Hellish holes in the ground could be closed and rendered unusable by simply placing large boulders in the open areas, including inside the pits, (those areas dug out by homeless rapists and sexual predators) but the city continues to ignore the rape pits, pretending they don’t exist.

Sound far fetched? It’s not. It’s the truth.

These Hellish party dins include teenage boys who are also being raped. That additional bit of information might compel some people to have more compassion for these lost kids if they know boys are being sexually trafficked, exploited and raped. Journalist and photographer, Kevin Dahlgren documents the heartbreaking plight of street people regularly - as shown in the June 23, 2024 linked video above, with this quote below…

“The infamous human trafficking den. An isolated place near the train tracks where human traffickers take women. Inside was one woman unwilling to report her assault due to the high risk of retaliation. It is an evil place and still used to this day.”

The only legitimate candidate for Mayor is of course, Rene Gonzalez.

Among this rag tag collection is 59-year-old Marshal Runkel, who famously worked for the notoriously volatile and emotionally unstable Chloe Eudaly - first as her Campaign Manager and then later as her Chief of Staff.

Runkel has long been considered, by Portland insiders, to be “the brains” behind Eudaly’s long-shot run for City Council, which began September 2015 and ended in November 2021, with the win.

After speaking with several influential people in Portland over the years, I’ve been told more than a few times that without Runkel, Eudaly would never have stood a chance. This was explained to me as primarily due to a lack of any political experience on her part, no ability to be diplomatic or gracious, and her long-standing reputation as rude, catty and sarcastic. Other reasons included a tendency to be dishonest, and engage in patterns of deception, which included lying about her education…

An anonymous blogger from 2017 had this to say…

Runkel was known by those who worked in City Hall, to stoically endure Eudaly’s toxic verbal abuse, fits of notorious “low blood sugar” crankiness, regular moodiness and her various freak outs over minor issues. Her tantrums occurred if anyone disagreed with her, or challenged her in any way that didn’t align with her girlish understanding, (or lack thereof) of personal communication, American politics or how to work well with others in group settings.

As Eudaly completed one year of high school and one year of community college before she was hired as a Portland city commissioner, after lying on her website that she had completed a two-year Associate’s Degree when she had not, she was operating under the huge disadvantage of having the equivalent of an 8th grade education. This reality could not have been easy for Eudaly, being that she was working among numerous professionals with advanced degrees. These were people with the ability to have calm and respectful discussions and to engage in group projects without meltdowns and dramatic departures because of minor disagreements.


In a 2019 YouTube video, (now taken down) called “Chloe Eudaly calls the police after being questioned about white privilege” the viewer sees Eudaly being calmly pursued by a local YouTube critic she calls “Eli” and is a man she seems to know. Eudaly is filmed walking in downtown Portland while sniping viciously (and using the F word) at Marshall Runkel, who took her abuse like a champ. I was able to comment on that video and use quotes from it, before it was taken down. Some of the quotes I used are in my long essay on Eudaly and are included in links on this page. However, the video of Eudaly and Runkel has been removed from YouTube for unknown reasons and is no longer available for viewing.


Then there is the known fact that Chloe Eudaly has direct and documented ties to white supremacists, particularly the violent woman hating and notoriously abusive Jim Goad who spent over 2 1/2 years in prison for assault. His prison sentence which began in 1998 until the fall of 2000 was the result of seriously beating his much younger girlfriend in his car near NW Skyline Boulevard.

Before Goad’s legal troubles, Eudaly had invited him to read his racist 1997 book, The Redneck Manifesto at her used bookstore, Reading Frenzy.

Eudaly also wrote to him while in prison and supported him financially by sending him money. This occurred after decades of Goad beating his wife Debbie and seriously injuring his much younger girlfriend, Anne “sky” Ryan, only 22 and extremely mentally disturbed. A woman with whom Jim Goad was cheating on his wife Debbie as she lay dying of ovarian cancer.

Anne “Sky” Ryan was a pretty girl from Oregon City, who attended Oregon City High School. She had a long history of mental illness before she and Goad became tangled up together.

It is important to note that Chloe Eudaly’s ties to Jim Goad come from Goad himself.

In his second book, Shit Magnet: One Man’s Miraculous Ability to Absorb the World’s Guilt, 2002, Goad intimates that his troubled girlfriend was a regular at Reading Frenzy and Chloe Eudaly was close enough to him that Eudaly warned him about his crazy young girlfriend’s bizarre boasting.

In Shit Magnet, Goad writes:

“Anne is a true believer. An apostle of The Gospel According to Jim Goad. She has forsaken everything and taken up my cross. But her devotion comes with a price. Just don’t ever, ever, ever, ever leave her. In June I catch her in a lie. She’d been bragging to a female bookstore owner that she’s ruining another marriage, and the bookstore owner tells me about it.”

There is only one “female bookstore owner” Goad could possibly be referring to and we all know her name.

In an investigative report, compiled sometime after Goad assaulted Ryan in 1998, it becomes clear that Anne “Sky” Ryan frequently hangs out at Chloe Eudaly’s used bookstore, Reading Frenzy, and knows Chloe Eudaly well enough to confide in her about intimate aspects of her life. It also comes out that Ryan had been asked to leave and was finally banned from entering the store due to her loud outbursts and “psychotic” behavior.

Goad demonstrates his kindness toward women and in this case a girl 15 years younger, Ryan, when he writes in Shit Magnet…

“As we sit on the warm grass in a public park, I say I’m breaking up with her. She pounces on me and wraps her arms tightly around my waist. “Don’t leave! Don’t leave! Don’t leave! I won’t let you go!” she sobs. I’ve never seen anyone cry so hard. And I’ve never had anyone grab onto me and refuse to let go. I tell her I’m leaving—she can either accept a ride back to her place, or she can walk home. I stand up. She’s still clutching onto me. I start walking. She still holds on, dragging her feet on the grass. She finally gets in the car. I drive her home. She cries all the way.”

Chloe sure can pick em’ can’t she?

This low resolution but still accurate photograph depicts 22-year-old Anne “Sky” Ryan, several weeks AFTER Jim Goad beat her to within an inch of her life.

During the 1998 assault, Jim Goad locked Ryan inside his car and “skidded out” as Ryan told WW. “He was laughing, saying he’d kill me. I was pleading for my life. He’s pounding me.” When they were on Skyline Boulevard, Ryan begged him, “screaming and bloody” to let her out of the car. From WW, writer Maureen O’Hagan wrote…

“When police interviewed Ryan at St. Vincent's, her left eye was swollen shut, she had bite marks on her hand and she was bleeding in several places, according to an affidavit filed by District Attorney Rod Underhill in Multnomah County Circuit Court.”

Chloe sure can pick em’ can’t she?

Before Chloe’s run for re-election, I was contacted in 2020, by a Portland woman, Alicia Byrd, an African American activist with a video to share detailing an October 2018 incident which happened in City Hall. According to Byrd and based on what is in the video, Chloe insulted and offended a group of Black activists. I have viewed and listened to this video numerous times and trust that the activists are being genuine in what they claim they experienced.

The group of activists included an elderly Black man, Omar Shabazz, who had been stunned and confused by Eudaly’s inexplicable angsty attitude. They had come to speak with Eudaly about a project they wanted her to know about and get her opinion on, “urban renewal efforts in a North Portland neighborhood.” They had arranged the appointment months in advance and had taken time off of work to be there.

After first contacting Willamette Week in 2018, in the hopes their story would be told, from their perspective, the WW wrote a lukewarm piece by Rachel Monahan. The Monahan piece left out many aspects of what had actually transpired during the infamous meeting, in which Eudaly stormed out of the room and Marshall Runkel tried to do damage control.


When I was contacted, they asked if I would write something closer to the truth and I did my best to oblige them.

Some people have said my long essay on Eudaly had a direct impact in Eudaly not being reelected, with the win going to Mingus Mapps, instead. I think that is a fair and accurate assessment. The reality is that my 2020 essay showed Eudaly lacked the emotional maturity, patience and insight into the human condition to succeed in politics. It also demonstrated she was extremely uncomfortable around African American people and quite frankly, anti-black.

Now, Runkel wants to be the mayor of Portland, and suck at the public trough of tax money. But he is not popular and if you want to see just how unpopular he is, simply read the comments sections on the Willy Weak article and a recent BikePortland, podcast/article. They are vicious.

Other links and perspective can be found here…

1.) In this recent podcast, Runkel goes off on a tangent and talks about how he would save the Blazers, when not bragging about his previous jobs working for various politicians. In this podcast, Runkel sounds more like a California Surfer dude than anything else and his talking points are as predictable as any person vying for the Mayor’s seat. He wins repeatedly by NOT answering any direct questions of the interviewer. Listen and you’ll hear it.

2.) What was Star Stauffer talking about when she accused Chloe Eudaly of having ties to white supremacists? How could a former street kid, involved in the “punk scene” as Chloe was known to be in her teens and early 20s, (with ties to white supremacists) be elected as a city commissioner in Portland so easily? What does this say about Portland government and the legacy media? What does this say about a Portland media that is so often inclined to look the other way and not report on important issues, like the questionable past of a political candidate?


3.) Runkel’s Vocal Fry is almost as annoying as his Kardashian upspeak way of talking, but he seems gloriously unaware of it. His habit of using the conjunction “like” in the manner that a Valley Girl would, is as consistent as his unawareness of the reality of homelessness. For example Runkel thinks homeless people shouldn’t be made into “the bad guy” and should be given more compassion, love, mercy and endless services. This despite the fact that at least 60 percent of Portland’s homeless are drug addicted criminals with criminal histories in Portland and from out of state.

4.) One informant of mine had some interesting things to say in the following five paragraphs. These statements prove interesting. In my opinion, and for these reasons, and several others, I do not believe Marshal Runkel would be a competent mayor.

I would encourage anyone who is reading this today, to vote for Rene Gonzalez.


This recent podcast by City Cast Portland is quite illuminating and can be found at this link here…

My informant’s quotes are following…

“When Marshall left Gretchen’s office and then when he left Eric Stein’s office, it was a big deal. But none of the papers wrote about it. No one used the word fired, they said it was “in the best interests of all concerned” that he didn’t work for the city anymore. Those were the type of words they used. They didn’t wish him luck, they were just glad to have him gone.”

“Marshall was good friends with Eric when I met him in 1993. He had moved out here. He’s not from Portland, you know.”

“He was a staff member of Eric Stein, and Gretchen Kafoury. I read this from a chat room commenter that Marshall worked at one time as Eric Stein’s Chief of staff.”

“I got the impression that when he was gone everyone seemed happy he was gone. I once asked one of my friends directly why Marshall was let go and he didn’t want to talk about it. I thought it was very suspicious that he left so suddenly.”

“In my honest opinion, Marshal Runkel is the poster boy for everything that is wrong with the city of Portland in the past 25 years. Portland is striving to do better. I’m sure the mayor is going to be making 200 grand or more a year, now. It is the money that Runkel wants, that he’s after.”

Does Portland want a burnt out game player, who is not always the most transparent about what he’s doing, or has done in the past? Do we want another ultra liberal more concerned about leaf blowers than rape victims? Do we want a homeless guy, living in a shed? Do we want a stripper single mom who condones sex work?

When we can have a more moderate politician, who can work in a bipartisan way, who is a great communicator, and able to take on the tough job of restoring law and order to a town overrun with crime, don’t we owe it to ourselves to vote for that guy?

These two men will turn Portland around. Congratulations to Nathan Vasquez, on his win, and lets offer all our support to Rene Gonzalez on his run for mayor.

When sitting down to vote, I encourage you all to vote for Rene Gonzalez. He is the candidate with the courage to support the Portland Police, and stand up to the new face of fascism, the hypocritical “Antifa” terrorists who can only bully and destroy.

Don’t waste your time on a candidate like Marshall Runkel, a man known to engage in repeated patterns of deception. Don’t throw your vote away, make it count.


If you want to help Portland recover, do your part and vote for RENE GONZALEZ! He is the only candidate with the qualifications, and the mature and respectful temperament to lead effectively. He has the ability to treat people with kindness and consideration, without taking differences of opinion as a personal attack or affront to his character.

Rene Gonzalez is the best person for the job!

~Theresa Griffin Kennedy

The Portland Daily Blink
The Portland Daily Blink Podcast
I provide commentary on local Portland politics, the dubious Portland Art, the snobs of the Portland "Literary" scene, and the good folks of the Portland poetry scene. I also write creative nonfiction, historical profiles, along with Gonzo journalism.