The Portland Daily Blink
The Portland Daily Blink Podcast
Robert Crane Podcast Interview - We talk about his upcoming book, "My UnHollywood Family!" published by Oregon Greystone Press!

Robert Crane Podcast Interview - We talk about his upcoming book, "My UnHollywood Family!" published by Oregon Greystone Press!

We also discuss the 2002 film Autofocus (with Greg Kinear) and his other book, "CRANE: Sex, Celebrity and My Father's Unsolved Murder!"
Bob Crane, and his family, in the middle 1960s with his three oldest children, Robert David, Deborah Anne and Karen Leslie and his wife Anne.

Robert David Crane will always live and breathe beneath the looming shadow of his father, Bob Crane. His life and his death have in many respects dominated Robert Crane’s entire adult life, as the oldest of the Crane children and the child who was closest to his father, knew him and understood him best, as he was 27 in 1978, the year he lost his father.

Listen to Robert talk about the challenges and rewards of being a writer and how writing helped him maintain his sanity in the wake of the cruel and horrific murder of his father, in which he has said: “For several years, every day it felt like I would explode. Writing helped me keep my sanity.”

Robert Crane is an accomplished writer and author, screenwriter and overall philosopher of life, but more than anything he is a survivor. I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know him over the past several years and can attest that he is one of the most engaging, easy going, smartest and most insightful people I’ve ever known. This is a great interview of a person I consider a good friend, mentor and collaborator.

I know you will enjoy this podcast Interview!

Here is a preview & other videos about Bob Crane, & the 2002 film Auto Focus…

The Making of Auto Focus…

A Home Movie Obsession…

The Bob Crane Case…

Auto Focus Trailer…

The Color Orange…

If you have seen the celebrated film, Autofocus, you know that Robert David Crane has a cameo and it’s great!
The famous leather jacket that Bob Crane wore, for the six seasons of Hogan’s Heroes was first used by crooner and movie star, Frank Sinatra in the 1965 film, “Von Ryan’s Express.” When the jacket was sold to a collector, the jacket still had the name F. Sinatra, written in an inside label.

Here is a list of Robert Crane’s incredible books…

My Life as a Mankiewicz: An Insiders Journey Through Hollywood

Bruce Dern - Thing’s I’ve Said Said but Probably Shouldn’t have

Beyond Where the Buses Run: Stories

Jack Nicholson - The Early Years

Boom! The Baby Boomer Album

Two Friends Over Drinks

Hollywood Plateau

  • An interesting aside is that on the “tacky” gravestone Sigrid Valdis had created after her death, (after which she had Bob Crane’s remains secretly exhumed and relocated to her gravesite) there is a poem about “wheat” and “Hogan and Hilda together forever” etched on the top. Her name is listed as Sigrid Valdis, with a glamour type photo encased in metal and glass showing her ample cleavage. While on the bottom of the tombstone, her legal name Patricia Crane is listed. Below that the inexplicable word, “Humanist,” has been engraved into the granite, indicating that she was a “Humanist” of all things. Hope springs eternal as they say, even when all evidence points to the contrary.

My UnHollywood Family is coming soon where all books are sold!

~Theresa Griffin Kennedy

The Portland Daily Blink
The Portland Daily Blink Podcast
I provide commentary on local Portland politics, the dubious Portland Art, the snobs of the Portland "Literary" scene, and the good folks of the Portland poetry scene. I also write creative nonfiction, historical profiles, along with Gonzo journalism.