Jun 15Liked by Theresa Griffin Kennedy

You sound very giddy speaking to Robert...great fun interview. Sounds like you were having a great time. I'm glad you get to have fun once in while instead of focusing on the downside of living in Oregon. 😄

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He's really fun to talk with. He's seen it all and is so smart, I just have a lot of fun talking with him. Yes, it is nice to get away from the depressing reality of Portland and all of Oregon. So true... LOL... I'm glad you enjoyed this podcast...

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Jun 15Liked by Theresa Griffin Kennedy

He is a really nice guy

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Jun 21Liked by Theresa Griffin Kennedy

“This person knows how to write about sex.”

What a compliment, Theresa. And from a guy whose dad knew more about sex than most people!

Fascinating interview. I was pleased to hear he was a Joan Didion fan. I’m currently reading a biography about her. She had a singular voice and approach to writing, which she developed through a lot of hard work. I prefer her nonfiction, although she also wrote fiction and screenplays.

Your dad gave you good advice when he told you to have scope and range. Didion would approve.

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Thank you. He’s such a nice person. And very supportive. He thinks it’s funny that I’ve not been published by a bigger name press in Portland but understands it’s all politics. Because I’m not a hand wringing hysterical liberal and don’t apologize for my existence or the damning shade of my skin, that I’m not part of the “club.” Because I don’t virtue signal and talk about how awful “white folk” are I’ve been ignored by the big name authors in the Portland literary scene. He understands. I’ve found the most support in out of state writers that I’ve hooked up with. It’s kind of funny. My Dad gave me do much good advice. Didion is amazing. I still need to read “The Year of Magical Thinking.” 😊

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Jun 21Liked by Theresa Griffin Kennedy

The way things are now in America, if Didion were starting out today, she would probably have a hard time getting published.

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